RCS BASES Schedule Changes

  • RCS BASES enrollment is for a minimum of one month. The child(ren)’s attendance must remain the same on a weekly basis for that month. To register child(ren), registration materials and the $25 annual non-refundable registration fee per child must be received in the Roxbury Community School Office on or before the cut-off dates listed. Children may begin attendance in the programs on the first school day of the new month, regardless of the day of the week it falls on.

    Schedule changes may take place once per month for the upcoming month. Requests must be received on or before the 20th of the month prior for the upcoming month. There is a $20 schedule change fee per change per child. All changes to schedules for Before Care and After Care MUST be requested in writing to rcsbases@roxbury.org. Verbal requests will not be accepted.

    There are no refunds or credits given for absences from the program on a scheduled day. If a change request is received after the 20th of the month prior for the upcoming month, you will be charged a $40 schedule change fee per change per child.

    All new enrollments and/or schedule changes are pending, based on availability in the program.