• Purpose: Cycle and Elective classes support curricular skills that encompass the arts (visual/performing), technology, health, and core academic areas.  The goal is to provide students with unique experiences that have a lasting effect.

    Participants: 7th graders will have all cycles assigned to them. 8th graders with have the option of choosing a visual art, a music elective, English elective, and Math elective.  They will be assigned at random all cycles.
  • 7th grade Required Cycles: Health, Art, Music and STEAM 1.0, EMS Seminar, Civics I, Financial Literacy, Research

    8th grade Required Cycles: Health (CPR/First Aid), STEAM 2.0, Civics II, Media & Public Speaking

    8th grade Electives Courses:

    • Math Options: Stock Market, Accounting, Sports Statistics
    • ELA Options: Graphic Novel, Creative Writing, or Journalism
    • Art Options: Ceramics & Sculpture or Drawing & Painting
    • Music Options: Music Composition and Songwriting through Technology or Musical Theater Workshop
  • Assessment: Cycle and Elective classes will be graded utilizing the A-F grading scale, with additional reporting on their achievement of performance standards designed for each class. Teachers will inform students of grading procedures and expectations.