Franklin Elementary School

Preparing the children of today for tomorrow...

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Principal's Message

  • It is with the utmost pride and enthusiasm that I introduce myself as the Principal of Franklin Elementary School.  I have been fortunate enough to work in education for 15 years and served as the Assistant Principal of Lincoln Roosevelt School from January 2019 until February 2022.  As an educator, I firmly believe that a collaboration between school, home, and community is a key component to the success of all students.  By working together, students will receive the support they need to not only to succeed academically but also socially and emotionally.  Especially at this level, my goal as an administrator is to provide all of the students at Franklin Elementary School with a setting that is nurturing of all learning needs.  When students know that they are valued in a school setting, they have the best chance to succeed.  If there are ever any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out so that we can discuss ways to help your child.



    Mr. Brian Hamer

District News

  •  RHS Band Logo

    Fourteen Roxbury HS Students Accepted into Region Honors Ensembles

    Fourteen Roxbury students successfully auditioned for the North Jersey School Music Association Region High School Honors Band and Choir. These ensembles are comprised of the top high school musicians across northern New Jersey. Six students were accepted into the honors bands and nine made it into the choirs.

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  •  Kindergarten Registration 2025/2026

    Roxbury Opens Kindergarten Registration for 2025/2026

    Roxbury Township Public Schools, a K-12 school district preparing the children of today for tomorrow, has opened Kindergarten registration for the 2025/2026 school year. Children must be five years old on or before October 1, 2025 to participate.

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  •  Rueter Family at Franklin

    Home for the Holidays – Surprise Military Homecomings in Roxbury

    Two Roxbury families had special visitors this holiday season, and no, we’re not talking about Santa and his reindeer. We thank all of our men and women serving and wish them all a Happy Holiday and a safe Happy New Year! 

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  •  FES Story Walk

    Franklin School Story Walk

    Franklin Elementary School is excited to announce the permanent installation of a StoryWalk® along the path on the west side of the school. StoryWalk® was created in 2007 by Anne Ferguson of Montpelier, VT, in collaboration with former staff member Rachel Senechal and is a way to promote early literacy, physical activity, and family time together in nature.

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  •  Jefferson 1st graders and teachers with Giving Tree Collection

    Jefferson School First Grade Giving Tree

    The first grade staff and students at Jefferson School collected hats, gloves, scarves and socks for Roxbury Social Services during the month of December for their annual Our Giving Tree project. 

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