- Kennedy Elementary School
- School Counseling Office
School Counseling Office
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Phone: 973-584-3938 x3010
Degrees and Certifications:
Ms. Jennifer Buckler
HI Kennedy Cougars! My name is Ms. Buckler (or the kids call me Ms. B) and I am the School Counselor here at KES! You will see me outside every morning during Drop Off (sometimes in some crazy outfits)-make sure you say hi!
Work Experience: I started out as a preschool teacher and have worked at a premier summer day camp since I was in high school. I am also one of the Supervisors for a Kids Academy at a gym. I started my School Counseling career at KES as a leave replacement in 2021. I then had another full year school counseling role in another district in NJ but I decided to come back to KES as the School Counselor. Kennedy School holds a special place in my heart. I absolutely love working with the students, staff, and community here in Roxbury!
Philospohy: I believe that students learn and grow the most when they feel safe, secure, and supported. I strive to help students be successful individuals who have the tools and knowledge to tackle anything that comes their way. As a school counselor, I am passionate about advocating for students and guiding them towards their goals. Making sure they have a safe space to go to and knowing who is in their Support Systems at home and at school. I think it is important that students can grow in a safe place and encourage them to be the best version of themselves. I also believe in the Teamwork and Collaboration between staff members and families so we can best support your students.
Who is Ms. B? : When I am not in school, I love to be with family and friends, love being at the beach or doing anything outside, Zumba and of course, cheering for the NY Giants and NY Yankees! I also work as a Division Head at a Summer Camp when we are out of school. I went to Montclair for my Undergraduate and my Graduate Degrees.
I am always available to support your students and your families, please do not hesitate to reach out by calling, or emailing me!