- Roxbury Public Schools
- Listing
All forms can be downloaded or viewed with Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Administration of Medication
Permission for Administration of Medication in School
Per District Policy 5330 & Regulation 5330, Permission slip for medication to be administered to students in school by the school physician, a certified or non-certified school nurse, a substitute school nurse employed by the district or the student's parent/guardian.
For students K - 6, if medication is needed at school aside from those listed on the Asthma, Anaphylaxis or Seizure Action Plans, please complete the "Permission for Administration of Medication in School Form".
Permission-for-Administration-of-Medication-in-School--v20231211-1200.pdf 218.25 KB (Last Modified on December 12, 2023) -
Permission for Self-Administration of Medication in School
Per District Policy 5330 & Regulation 5330, District-wide form for permission for self-administration of medication for a potentially life-threatening illness.
For students 7 - 12, in addition to an action plan submitted (for Anaphylaxis, Asthma, and/or Seizures), please also include the "Permission for Self-Administration of Medication in School" for all inhalers and epipens. If unable to self-carry, please reach out to your building nurse. Note: Students who participate in school sports and clubs will need to be able to self-administer their emergency medication.
Permission-for-Self-Administration-of-Medication--v20231211-1200.pdf 163 KB (Last Modified on December 12, 2023)
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Agreement to use the Internet & District Network Resources
Chromebook Insurance
Genesis Parent Portal
Free/Reduced Lunch Application
Made available electronically through the Genesis parent portal under FORMS. Click for more information.
HIB Incident Report
Click here to report a suspected Act of Harassment, Intimidation, or Bullying. Please provide as much information as possible.
Media Consent Form
Parent Consent Form for Release of Student's Personal Information and/or Student's Written Work/Artwork for Press Release or on the School District's Websites
Student Accident Policies
Voluntary Student Accident Plan
358277_HSR bilingual flyer_Supp student accident-FINALapprvd021819--v20240716-1128.pdf 148.07 KB (Last Modified on July 16, 2024)
RHS Alternate Transportation for Athletes
Transportation form for Alternate Transportation to and from Athletic Event