• For 2024-2025

    Dear Parents and Guardians:

    In connection with our district vision, mission and Portrait of a Graduate, the Roxbury School District has worked hard to develop a Health and Physical Education curriculum that supports a variety of community perspectives while simultaneously meeting the spirit of the New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS). While all students are required to participate in health education classes which include a family life component, we have designed learning goals and objectives that consider appropriate age and social development. The N.J.S.A.18A:35-7 and 8 requires that all students in grades 1 - 12 take health, safety, and physical education each year. In order for students to meet the New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS), schools provide instruction in both health and physical education. The New Jersey Comprehensive Health and Physical Education Student Learning Standards outline these requirements.

    Depending on your child’s grade level, topics may include (Please note that specific grade level curriculum can be reviewed on the district website):

    • Personal Safety
    • Human Reproduction and Childbirth
    • Puberty
    • HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STDs)
    • Contraception and Pregnancy Prevention
    • Abstinence
    • Healthy Relationships
    • Decision Making
    • Self-Advocacy

    Roxbury School District acknowledges that parents/guardians are the primary family life educators for their child/children, and we are committed to partnering with you. Although we strongly encourage families to have their student(s) participate in these essential health topics, we want to acknowledge that Parents/Guardians do have the option of excluding their child(ren) from any portion of sexuality/family life education instruction if it is in conflict with their conscience, morally, or religiously held beliefs. (*Please see the appropriate NJ Statute below.) Should you choose to exercise your right to opt your child(ren) out of any aspect of health, family life, or sex education during the 2024 - 2025 school year, please complete the Google Form found on this webpage. While there is no deadline by which a parent must opt out their child(ren), the district asks that parents prioritize completing this form by October 15, 2024. Parents who wish to opt their child(ren) out after the 10/15/24 timeframe should contact their child(ren)’s Principal directly. Students who are excused will be assigned to a separate classroom for the duration of those identified lessons.

    Section: 18A:35-4.7: Parent's statement of conflict with conscience: Any child whose parent or guardian presents to the school principal a signed statement that any part of the instructions in health, family life education or sex education is in conflict with his conscience, or sincerely held moral or religious beliefs shall be excused from that portion of the course where such instruction is being given and no penalties as to credit or graduation shall result therefrom.

    Should you have any questions about this process or curriculum, please feel free to reach out to our Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction~ Dr. Charles Seipp; Supervisor of Health & Physical Education Grades K - 12~ Mr. Stuart Mason; or your school principal.


  • If you are having difficulty viewing the Google Form below, click here to open it in a new window.