• Hello and welcome to the Roxbury Schools secondary Mathematics department.  The Roxbury Mathematics department is committed to providing a rigorous math education to all students.  All teachers and staff hold the belief that all students can learn math.  They are excited to share their passion for math and education with each and every student.  There is no such thing as a math person or non math person, and everyone has the ability to be highly successful.  We strive to provide students with the opportunity to experience mathematics to develop their own conceptual understanding.  Our goal is to open mathematics for students, allowing for multiple points of entry regardless of ability level.  Activities, tasks, and assignments are provided to students so that all can engage and think within them.  Students utilize district provided technology to engage in their learning.  Teachers capitalize on the ability to bring Mathematics to life through such technology as well as other resources.  Our teachers are some of the best educators in our area and beyond.  They continue to grow individually and as a group.  They work together across grade levels, subects and buildings to ensure a cohesive Mathematics program for the students of Roxbury.



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